Tuesday, November 15, 2011

19 years of my life I've been blindfolded, dipping my hands into a bag. A bag of talents, abilities. Or you can just call them 'skills'. Each time I draw something out, I play with it for awhile and sometimes, a gust of wind comes by and knocks it down.

My mind tells me, your hands are not strong enough to protect it, let it slip, try something else. So I draw something else out of the bag and the same thing happens. Sometimes, I think: life'll be much easier if I could just grab onto ONE thing and be good at it, and be terrible at everything else. not to be 'relatively okay/good' in a few things. But the problem's just with the mind which tells me to let go of anything that doesn't jump out at me. (they call it 'talent') A thought driven by the fear of not being exceptional even after you've tried.


Many things slip past our fingers, and there is a sense of self-worth tagged to it, a continuous assessment of ourselves. Those assessments don't make you stronger, they weaken you. But how do you get rid of them? You know you have things in your hands, but you say 'not enough, not enough', and the fear springs up, making you lose everything you have.

Some days I feel I'm going nowhere. There is a wide gap between expectations and reality. Where did such sky-high expectations come from? Some people focus on reality and try to lower their expectations to narrow the gap. they get stronger each day. Some focus on what they can do and work hard on meeting their expectations.

Some focus on expectations and fear the reality. A wreck at the end of the day, because no matter how many times they tell you 'I think you'll be fine', that 'potential' always gets converted to fear, a sense of insignificance. Potential? Potential in what? Obviously this fear in me is too strong, because even after much improvement it's still as strong as ever. Stubborn root. .

We're rarely too weak (in our abilities). Just too bloody weak in the mind, or too afraid. I am a resident of my mind, not this world. I think they call it self-absorption.

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